
old home

nirvana lyrics


message board

lyric sheet scans

Old news & updates...

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AOL screen name:
Aneurysm BS

ICQ #221764023



The Internet Nirvana Fan Club


Musicians Friend

Infinity one

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.....(Kurt, Krist, Chad)

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Old news and updates...

It'll be a while until i update this page again, but i plan on uploading songs to
Streamload so people can download them. i will creat a message board so people can
request songs for me to send them. of coarse u will have to sign up at streamload but hey, it's free!

WOW... its been a really long time since i've even looked at this site.
But to my supprise there have been like 45 peopele here in the last month
or so... i've forgotten alot of all that crazy html stuff but im sure
all come back to me as soon as i look at it. It's not hard. It may be a while
before i update this again so blah. i still havn't done the lyrics thing.
if u want acurate lyrics go to my old page. get the link in the nav bar.
Tonight i added the images of the text in the cromosomeheavy font
so you could see what it was supposed to look like if you didn't already
download it... also i'm sure you noticed that i added the entrance page
and my fancy schmancy banner... woopty doo! :) next i think i will start on
the dreaded lyrics... thats the last thing i want to do but i need to get it
over with. errr.. i think i'll just gradually do that over time cause it'll take
a while... man, i got gas! lol = :- ()

I decided to go online today and get the lyric sheet thing over with
and out of the way... i have been adding a few new things every once
in a while.. i just didn't put it here... i added this site to the Breed
nirvana webring... so thanks to the people that run it.. : )
you may have noticed the mp3 of the month thing on the nav bar
and i've been trying to upload songs but my crappy 56k modem just
won't do it.. either that or i dont have enough space.. lol eh.

Hey... to fix the 'font' problem, I will be replacing all the
CHROMOSOMEHEAVY font with images of what it says
in the font. I also fixed the image above, which wouldn't
show up. Please email me if you see anymore problems.
I also need to fix the images on the 'lyrics' page and
do the whole lyric sheet thing so u can see them full size.
Just added the new message board and changed the site
name from 'seluranavrin's' to 'BS's' (my initials). The
site address is still the same... seluranavrin.tripod.com tho.

I've been working on this page alot. I got the lyrics
page done but I only have the BLEACH lyrics on it.
I just uploaded the BLEACH part. Also I got the lyric
scan stuff uploaded but I need to make links to
let you view the full size image so you can
actually read it.

I'll be adding all of the stuff from the old site. I
just needed to change the layout because it
looked horible. I'm sure it will take a lot of work
but I will get it done.


To view this site properly you need do have ONYX font and CHROMOSOMEHEAVY font.

Thanks to Draac for the HTML codes! There is no affiliation with my site and
nirvana or my site with any of the other sites I have linked to mine, except for the ones created by me.
Copyright © 2003, Brook Steed, All Rights Reserved.